Mortgage Industry Innovator UpEquity Levels the Playing Field With Candor LES
Once considered more of a rare occurrence, all-cash offers are now incredibly common. Some mortgage industry experts are even predicting the rise in cash offers is here to stay. What does this mean for the future of the industry? Well, mortgage lenders who have thrived in the past may not fare as well moving forward — at least not without rethinking how they manufacture loans.
UpEquity has quickly made a name for itself as an innovator in the mortgage industry. Its mission is to level the playing field for homebuyers in a world of cash offers. UpEquity runs more like a tech startup than a mortgage company. And that sort of thinking is what led them to Candor.
UpEquity is a digital mortgage company that specializes in transforming everyday homebuyers into cash buyers. Its flagship “Buy With Cash” and “Buy Before You Sell” programs aim to help homebuyers rally against the rising wave of cash offers made in the mortgage marketplace.
We all know the loan manufacturing process is full of uncertainty. Getting that loan approved? It’s not as standardized of a process as those outside of the mortgage industry might believe.
The team at UpEquity knew there had to be a better way. And so they began searching for a partner who could help them improve the underwriting and loan approval process. That is when they first heard about Candor Technology, Inc. and its Loan Engineering System platform.
The Solution: Candor LES Adds Certainty to Underwriting
Like any vendor out at trade shows making big promises, Candor LES
sounded appealing to the stakeholders at UpEquity on paper. A decision
making platform that can not only create but clear loan conditions and
help secure approval in record time. What’s not to like? Another key
selling point of Candor for UpEquity was its ability to integrate with — and live inside of — MeridianLink, their LOS of choice.
“A lot of software companies require you to take your existing system, rip it out, throw it away and retrain everybody,” Pruitt said. “And once you’re all set up in this new system, you’ll be in ‘happy land’ — everything will be better. Man, that’s a hard sell. Meanwhile, Candor says, hey you got this LOS, right? Yeah. You like it? That’s great. Don’t change your LOS. Our software works with it.”
UpEquity Results:
Faster and More
Accurate Loan
Even though UpEquity is still in
the early stages of its Candor
implementation, they see an
investment in Candor LES as an
investment in the future and a
huge leap forward.
“Historically, the mortgage
industry has operated within a
boom and bust cycle,” Pruitt said. “The great promise of
Candor is to smooth out the boom and bust cycle. That way you don’t have to staff up
when the next refinance boom hits because so much of the work is automated.”
On top of that Candor takes
the guesswork out of the loan
approval process. This has allowed UpEquity to find even greater success in helping homebuyers compete with cash offers.
“In the past, mortgage lenders thought it was fine to take 30 days or even 60 days to close a loan. But in order to compete with cash offers, you need to be fast."
“We quickly found out that Candor just gets it right,” Pruitt said. "If you’re a mortgage lender that cares at all about speed, you should be using Candor, full stop.”
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